
Inspiring Gift Ideas

Getting inspired for your holiday shopping is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with our 8 Gift Guides! You’ll find our best suggestions for gifts to place under the tree to treat your family and friends.

Are you looking for some help to kick-start – or complete – your holiday shopping? To help you save some precious time, we’ve prepared 8 gift guides that include our best staff picks. You’ll find ideas for everyone and every budget. 

Get inspired today! 

Gifts for an Active Lifestyle 

Gifts for Christmas Stockings and Secret Santas 

Gifts for Wellness and Relaxation

Gifts to Wear

Great Finds 

Gifts for Kids 

Responsible, Sustainable Gifts

Tech & Electronic Gifts 

For the gift of choice without any hassle, think of our gift card! It is accepted in most of our stores, as well as in 19 other shopping centres throughout Quebec. Purchase the Cominar gift card at customer service (near entrance 2) or buy the digital version today.